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The Center for Literacy Education is proud to partner with faculty, staff, and students across campus. At the conclusion of your grant project, please complete the following assessment form using as much detail as possible.

Grant Assessment Form

Institutional Role(Required)

(Faculty/Staff: e.g., Department, Program, Office, Center, Institute) (Student: e.g., Major, Minor, Undeclared)
Grant Received(Required)
(select option)
*Which of the following primary areas of engagement does your grant-funded project most align with?(Required)
(Select all that apply)
(Include all that apply. Examples include but are not limited to adult, arts, civic, community, critical, data, digital, early, environmental, family, financial, global, health, historical, information, media, multimodal, STEM, and visual literacies.)

How effective was the grant in supporting the project development and implementation in your particular area(s) of literacy engagement?(Required)
How effective was the grant in promoting collaboration and/or professional development as part of your project?
How effective was the grant in supporting your teaching, research, scholarship, creative activities, and/or service in the field of literacy education?(Required)
How effective was the overall support from and communication with the Center for Literacy Education?(Required)

(e.g., publications, presentations, collaborations, research, teaching, creative activities, service)
(e.g., universities, departments, programs, community organizations)
(e.g., names, positions, affiliations, universities, organizations)
Please specify the estimated number of people impacted by the project per group.(Required)
(Include only applicable categories)
WFU Faculty/Staff
WFU Undergraduate Students
WFU Graduate Students
WFU Alumni
Please specify the estimated number of people impacted by the project:
K-12 Teachers
K-12 Students
K-12 Schools
Other Attendees & Community Members

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Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 23 MB.
    (e.g., book lists, school lists, publications, presentations, syllabi, course information)
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: (jpg, gif, png, pdf), Max. file size: 23 MB.