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Mission Statement

Because literacy affects all aspects of how we live and learn, the mission of the Wake Forest Center for Literacy Education is to promote creative intellectual partnerships that facilitate interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching and bring literacy to life through community engagement. 

Four primary goals guide this effort

Areas of Engagement

Culturally and Historically Responsive Literacy Pedagogies

Civic, Information, and Digital Literacies

School, Community, and Family Literacy Initiatives

The Center for Literacy Education’s four primary goals will be met through establishing university, community, and national partnerships, including offering opportunities for support and engagement for faculty, staff, and students through grants, events, publications, and outreach.

The Center for Literacy Education has identified three primary areas of engagement that will guide its programming: (1) culturally and historically responsive literacy pedagogies; (2) civic, information, and digital literacies; and (3) school, community, and family literacy initiatives.

Beyond those areas of engagement, we support faculty, staff, and students with broad interests related to literacy education. Examples include but are not limited to literacies such as adult, arts, civic, community, critical, cultural, data, digital, early, environmental, family, financial, global, health, historical, information, media, multimodal, STEM, and visual literacies.