Faculty and staff from across the university landscape have expressed interest in collaborating with the Center for Literacy Education. They bring diverse knowledge, experience, and perspectives that will support and enhance interdisciplinary working groups and community  partnerships.

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Wake Forest Faculty and Staff
Kate Allman, Executive Director, Winston-Salem TEACH & Research Associate Professor, Education
Janie Bass, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education for Reynolda House and Gardens
Adam Dovico, Academic Director; Associate Professor of the Practice, School of Professional Studies
Colleen Foy, Research & Instruction Librarian, ZSR Library
Debbie French, Associate Professor, Department of Education
Karin Friederic, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Joy Gambill, Instruction Librarian, ZSR Library
Cindy Gendrich, Professor, Chair, Theatre and Dance
Erin Henslee , Associate Professor, Department of Engineering
Julia Hood, Director of Teaching and Learning, Reynolda House Museum of American Art
Tiffany Judy, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish; Director of the Interdisciplinary Linguistics program
Amanda Kaufman, Learning and Instructional Services Librarian, ZSR Library
Molly Keener, Director of Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication, ZSR Library
Michael Lamb, Executive Director, Program for Leadership and Character, Program for Leadership and Character, Interdisciplinary Humanities Program
Zak Lancaster, Associate Professor, Department of English
J. Denice Lewis, Research and Instruction Librarian for Engineering and Science
Morgan Ritchie-Baum, Assistant Librarian - Business & Social Science Liaison
Alisa Russell, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Writing Program
Ryan Shirey, Teaching Professor (Writing/English) and Director of the WFU Writing Center, Wake Forest University
Jennifer Szescula, Grants and Contracts Manager, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs working with Chemistry, Engineering and Biology
Hubert Womack, Instruction and Graduate Student Support Librarian, ZSR Library
Qiaona Yu, Associate Professor of Chinese